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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Meditatation from the Heart: Positive Affirmations

Last week I was listening to Pink's single, Sober, and the line "But how do I feel this good sober?" became stuck in my mind. I then thought back to an incident more than a decade ago in Ibiza when I woke up in a bathroom floor after passing out multiple times from days of non-stop partying and drugs. I never thought that my recreational partying was an addiction, and I remember calling a friend who commented that I had gone too far.

I've often thought back to moment several times when I see related events on TV shows or in the case of Pink's song. We often carry in life things, situations and people that we have a difficult time letting go of.
One way to release these negative thoughts or emotions is through meditation. You can remove these ideas by dwelling on the opposite—or positive affirmations—during meditation.

Meditation: Practice this meditation, if just a few minutes per day:
Begin in a comfortable upright sitting position. Support the posture with a wall or chair if necessary.

Allow your breath to flow naturally, keeping your awareness on your breath, the inhales, the exhales, any gaps, the tone, the sound, the quality or the sensations of the breath through the body.

Now, focus your awareness of your breath in your chest region. Stay here for several breathes.

Silently begin to repeat to yourself, "I forgive myself; my heart is open to receive"

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