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Friday, May 29, 2009

What type of yogi are you?

A common question new students generally ask me is what type of yoga should I practice or which of your yoga classes should I attend? My answer is usually it depends.

Some people may want fitness goals like to increase flexibility, others may want to relax or reduce stress, while others may want to feel a connection to the class or community.

Also, the teacher's style should be considered. Teaching styles range from supportive and comforting to militant and absolute. Perhaps you like a softer approach or really get motivated by a kick-your-butt, no-nonsense teacher.

Setting will also play a difference. Fitness yogis may attracted to the gym or community centers while the spiritual seekers may be attracted to a traditional yoga studio or place of spiritual significance like a church.

The emphasis of the class may also play a major role. Some classes heavily emphasize postures with little or no emphasis on breathing and meditation. Some classes may have no postures at all!

I found a fun yoga quiz on Yoga Journal, which man help you decide as a new student what type of yoga to explore.

I also recommend reading, Yoga Beyond Fitness: Getting More than Exercise from an Ancient Spiritual Practice, by Tom Pilarzyk. It also has a yoga quiz in the Appendix. This book is a part of the reading requirement for the advanced 300 hour yoga teacher training course with KCFitnessLink.

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