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Friday, June 19, 2009

Yoga and Autogenic Training

Autogenic training has its origin in research on hypnosis conducted by the famous brain psychologist Oskar Vogt at the Berlin Institute according to Martha David in The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook. He found that his clients could produce relaxation similar to hypnosis just by thinking of heaviness and warmth.

Athletes may greatly benefit from Autogenic training as a way to relax and focus for an activity. While the techniques are widely used for sports, they are very useful, autonomic nervous system relaxants for the common person. Autogenic training can be tailored to meet a person’s need by using their own autosugesstion.

Here is a sample script I often incorporate into my savasana or final relaxation.

My right arm is heavy
my left arm is heavy
both arms are heavy.
My right leg is heavy
my left leg is heavy
Both legs are heavy.

My right arm is warm
my left arm is warm
both arms are warm.
My right leg warm
Both legs are warm.

My right arm is heavy and warm
Both arms are heavy and warm
Both of my legs are heavy and warm
My heart is calm snd
I feel fresh and energized

Although, it doesn't have an yoga origin, I find that many western mind-body techniques are very useful in combination with yoga. I teach all elements of relaxation in my yoga teacher training programs: physical, mental, autonomic, emotional and spiritual.

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