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Friday, June 26, 2009

*** Yoga Month: Yoga Teacher Training by Donation ***

Last year I served as the local coordinator for Yoga Month in Kansas City. We offered free yoga classes and workshops across the metro area and raised money for non-profit organizations that support community health.

This year while still focusing on free yoga classes and workshops, I decided it would be good to offer something for current and aspiring yoga instructors. Given the economic situation, many are out of jobs and are looking for new career avenues. The catch 22 is that more and more people don't have the money for additional training during these tough economic times and financing career training is more difficult during the current financial situation.

During Yoga Month we will be offering yoga teacher training by donation, aspiring teachers can register for the training by choosing a price they can afford with no strings attached. This by donation option is for the regular 200 hour teacher training and the yoga therapy training as well.

Yoga Month is a grassroots, community-based global campaign to educate people about the health benefits of yoga and to inspire a healthy lifestyle.

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